- Dates: November 5, 2024 – November 9, 2024
Location: Lexington 2 Performing Arts Center
Auditions are open to all singers, grades 9th-12th, who are enrolled in your program for credit.
- Dates: November 5, 2024 – November 9, 2024
Audition Material
SSATB “Hallelujah Praise the Lord” Handel/Ehret – Click Here for PDF
Click Here for Audition Tracks
Sight Reading Examples
Sample Sight Reading Examples
The sight reading will occur in the same judging room immediately after “Hallelujah Praise the Lord” is finished. The scoring for sight reading is as follows: Students will receive 1 point for completing each half measure accurately (beats 1-2, beats 3-4), one point for retaining tonic, and one point for flow (maintaining a steady tempo with no hesitations or restarts). Students must attempt the rhythmic pattern and melodic contour in order to receive points for retaining tonic and flow. Scores from all three judges will be combined for a total score for sight singing. The maximum score possible for sight singing will be 54 points (18 points from three judges). This portion of the audition will also be blind.
Sight Reading Examples
Click Here
for the All-State Chorus Audition Rubric.
Membership in the All-State Chorus is based on the total points received in the audition. Students in grades 9th-12th must be enrolled for at least one credit during the 24-25 school year in a school choral program directed by a member with an active NAfME membership and in good standing with SCMEA. Membership of the director will be verified through the NAfME database. Home-schooled students enrolled in a public or home-school choral program for at least one credit in the 24-25 school year must provide documentation that qualifies them as 9th-12th grade students and a member of a South Carolina Home School Association at the time of registration. A director may not sponsor students enrolled in a school other than his/her own. Failure to comply with these rules will result in the involved student(s) not being able to participate in the All-State Chorus Weekend and their school being suspended from participating in auditions for the next academic year.
Registration For Auditions
- Choral directors should limit registration only to students who possess superior musical skills. Audition registration information can be found at www.choraldivision.org.
- Teachers must submit All-State Chorus Audition Registration through the process designated by the All-State Chorus Chairperson. The registration process is completed online.
- The audition fee is twenty dollars ($20.00) per student and must be remitted to the All-State Chorus Chairperson along with a digital submission of the Audition Request Form. Registration fees should be paid using only one school check, personal check, money order payable to SCMEA Choral Division, or online at registration.
- Registration forms must be completed online and appropriate fees must be paid online or payment check postmarked by Friday, October 4, 2024. (LATE AND/OR INCOMPLETE REGISTRATIONS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO AUDITION. NO EXCEPTIONS!!). Without payment, your registration will be considered incomplete and will be returned. The link for online payment may be found on the Choral Division Website. www.choraldivision.org
- If mailing one check for payment, please send it to Lizzi Elliott, York Comprehensive High School, 275 Alexander Love Hwy, York, SC 29745. If your school district is submitting a check, please make sure that your school information is indicated and mailed with the check.
- Once the registration materials have been submitted to the All-State Chorus Chairperson, no refunds will be made, no substitutions of names will be allowed, no voice parts can be changed, and no other changes can be made.
Registration Instructions
Questions about eligibility and the online registration process should be directed to Lizzi Elliott.
- Auditions will be held on November 5-9, 2024 at Lexington 2 Performing Arts Center
- Auditions will be solo auditions and will be divided into two phases:
- Prepared audition selection: SSATB “Hallelujah Praise the Lord” Handel/Ehret
- Sight-Singing
- The prepared audition selection portion of the South Carolina All-State Chorus auditions will be blind auditions. Students will be placed behind a curtain, screen, or partition. If this is not possible, judges will sit with their backs to the students. Students will perform their part of the prepared audition piece with the audition prompt provided on the Choral Division Website. This track will include the starting pitch for their voice part and the other 4 voices played by piano with their part omitted throughout. For example, if you are auditioning as a bass, the bass part will be omitted and the soprano 1, soprano 2, alto, and tenor voices will be played by a piano track.
- Each student will be given a number of points on each phase of the audition. Individual singers will be selected according to their overall performance at the audition based on the total number of points received in the prepared selection and the sight-singing.
- Basic techniques and sight-singing will be judged individually. The student will audition individually before three judges. Each student will receive scores from three judges for the prepared piece. Individual student scores for the prepared piece will be determined immediately. The score range will be 0 – 50 from each judge. Each judge will award up to ten points in each of the following categories: Rhythmic and Timing Accuracy, Pitch and Intonation, Diction, Tone Quality, Musicality. Scores from all three judges will be combined for a total score for the prepared piece. The maximum score possible for the prepared piece will be 150 (50 points from three judges).
- Sight-singing material will be selected by the All-State Chorus Committee Chairperson and the Audition Coordinator. After successfully completing the prepared selection, all students will sight-sing individually for the same three judges in the same audition room.
- Sight-Singing Process: All directions will be given from a recorded prompt. Students may begin studying the example during the recorded prompt. The example will be 8 measures, and will be printed on two lines, four measures per line. Students will be given the tonic triad and the beginning pitch. They will have 60 seconds to practice the 8 measure piece. After 60 seconds, the students will hear the tonic triad and the beginning pitch again. The students will have 45 seconds to sing through the piece. The student must set his/her own tempo. Count off tempo will NOT be given. The student may sing on solfège, numbers, la, ta, count-singing, etc. The score range will be 0 – 18.
Sight-reading Parameters:
- The piece will be in any major key.
- It will start on Do and end on Do.
- The most difficult rhythm will be a dotted quarter note followed by an eighth note.
- Skips will come from the I, IV, and V7 triads. (Do, Mi, Sol; Fa, La, Do ; Sol, Ti, Re, Fa)
- There may be quarter rests.
Students will receive 1 point for completing each half measure accurately (beats 1-2, beats 3-4), one point for retaining tonic, and one point for flow (maintaining a steady tempo with no hesitations or restarts). Students must attempt the rhythmic pattern and melodic contour in order to receive points for retaining tonic and flow.
Scores from all three judges will be combined for a total score for sight singing. The maximum score possible for sight singing will be 54 points (18 points from three judges). This portion of the audition will also be blind.
After completing the sight-singing portion of the audition process, students will leave the building and have no contact with students waiting to audition.
If you have students that need special accommodations due to disabilities, please contact the audition coordinator.
The maximum possible composite score will be 204 (150 from the prepared piece and 54 from sight-singing).
- ALL STUDENTS MUST AUDITION AT THEIR SCHOOL’S ASSIGNED TIME. Although students may have previously been members of the All-State Chorus program, they will be required to audition again.
- Absolutely no digital devices, including, but not limited to, phones, smart watches, CD players, CD recorders, iPods, MP3 players, video/DVD recorders, radios, or text messaging devices, will be allowed in or near the audition site. Cell phones are to be turned off and left outside the building. If a student is found using any device listed above within the audition site building, the device will be confiscated immediately. If a student’s digital device has been confiscated, that student’s audition will be forfeited, and the student’s school will receive a level 1 violation. That student’s teacher must pick up the device for the student before leaving the premises. Teachers and students are expected to respect the confidentiality of the sight-singing process and not share written or verbal communication.
- No changing of clothes on site.
- Teachers must be present with their students at the auditions. Students not accompanied by their own teacher will not be allowed to audition.
- No photocopied music will be allowed.
- All incidents or exceptions pertaining to the All-State Chorus rules and regulations will be subject to review by the All-State Chorus Committee and could result in consequences to the school and/or student(s) involved.
Selected Participants
- The All-State Chorus will be composed of up to three ensembles (SATB, SSAA, TTBB) chosen randomly from the highest-scoring students. No alternate All-State Chorus members will be selected, nor may any teacher make any substitutions. Failure to comply with the substitution rule will result in the substituted students not being allowed to participate in the All-State Chorus Weekend and their school being suspended for the next academic year.
- Selected participants and score sheets will be emailed to directors. Cut-off scores and other information will be emailed to each director after auditions have been completed. It is the responsibility of the director to double-check the scores and notify students of their acceptance into the All-State Chorus. If you do not receive an email or have questions about scores, please contact Lizzi Elliott, Audition Coordinator.
- Schools with no students selected may be invited to bring their top-scoring students to participate in the All-State Chorus weekend. The student will be a part of the All-State Chorus but will not be eligible to receive scholarships from colleges due to All-State Chorus acceptance.
- Teachers are responsible for the preparation of the music by their students prior to the
All-State Chorus Weekend. In the event an unbalanced group is chosen from any one school, cooperative learning rehearsals may be conducted by combining two or more schools. Teachers should not expect students to learn the music entirely independently. Rehearsal tracks will be provided for each student.
- Music Screening/Part Check: There will be a music screening/part check event at the beginning of the first rehearsal. All-State Chorus Committee members will walk through while the choir sings each piece to ensure that singers have prepared the repertoire. If there is any question about their preparation, singers will be given an opportunity to privately demonstrate that they know the music. If singers cannot demonstrate proficiency, they will not be sent home, nor will we provide tutorials on-site. They will become an Auditor. If singers are significantly late to a rehearsal, miss an entire rehearsal, or commit some other major infraction of rules decided upon by the choir managers, they will become an Auditor. Auditor: Any singer who becomes an auditor will be allowed to attend all rehearsals, be seated in the back of the rehearsal hall, and learn as the other singers do; however, they will not be allowed to sing in the concert. Thus, they will continue to learn and be allowed to attend guest performances and social activities but will lose the privilege of singing in the concert.
- Attendance: All students that have been selected for the All-State Chorus must attend 100% of the All-State Chorus Weekend. All absences will be reviewed by the All-State Chorus Committee and could result in consequences to the school and/or student involved. All written documentation pertaining to absences must be submitted to the All-State Chorus Weekend Coordinator two weeks prior to the All-State Chorus Weekend. In an emergency, you must provide documentation at All-State Chorus registration.
**PLEASE NOTE: We will provide information about the All-State Chorus Weekend as it becomes available. The current plan is for All-State Chorus to be held February 27-March 1, 2025 at Winthrop University. Stay tuned for more information as it becomes available.
All-State Chorus Weekend Rules
- In addition to the names of students selected for each choir, the following will be posted on the website: Registration, Parent Permission/Rules,T-Shirts, Schedule.
- Teachers must submit All-State Chorus Weekend Registration through the process designated by the All-State Chorus Chairperson. The registration process is completed online.
- In addition to the non-refundable audition fee, a non-refundable All-State Chorus Weekend registration fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) will be required of each student participating in the All-State Chorus. This registration fee must be remitted by December 13, 2024. Registration fees should be paid using only one school check, personal check, money order payable to SCMEA Choral Division, or through the online registration. If your school district is submitting a check, please make sure that your school information is indicated and mailed with the check.
- Registration forms must be completed online and appropriate fees must be paid online or payment check postmarked by Friday, December 13, 2024. (Late payments will result in a Level 1 rule violation.) The link for online payment may be found on the Choral Division Website. www.choraldivision.org If mailing one check for payment, please send to: Ashlee Poole. Direct any questions about the weekend registration to Ashlee Poole or NeTorrian Patton.
- T-shirts and pins will also be available for purchase ahead of time on the registration form. These items will not be available for purchase at All-State Chorus Weekend.
- Director packets: A link will be provided for director’s to order music directly from the distributor. Director packets will not be automatically provided.
- The following items will be available for purchase at All-State Chorus Weekend;
- CDs and DVDs of the concert performance
- Plaques with individual student names, voice part, and choir.
- Rehearsal Guidelines:
- Dress for rehearsals will be informal-regular school clothes. Hats, sunglasses, or any other item that would interfere with rehearsal are prohibited.
- No gum, no talking, no tobacco, no vaping, and no illegal substances of any kind.
- Each student is expected to devote his/her full attention to the director at all times in all rehearsals and performances.
- Each student must bring a pencil and his/her music to ALL rehearsals, even if the music is memorized.
- Each student will need a black folder for use at the concert.
- General Guidelines:
- Students will be dismissed from All-State Chorus participation on the following grounds:
- Vandalism of any kind- the student’s school will be held responsible for damages.
- Possession of drugs without a doctor’s prescription.
- Possession and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages.
- Disciplinary action, not excluding dismissal, will be taken on the following grounds:
- Failure to adhere to attendance, housing, and rehearsal regulations.
- Violation of curfew.
- Any behavior found to be unbecoming by the All-State Chorus Chairperson or his/her representative.
- Cell phones, iPods, MP3 players, CD players, and any device with headphones are not to be present during rehearsals. If a student is found to be in possession of these items during the rehearsal, the student’s name will be taken and the director will be notified. If the same student is found to be in possession of the items for a 2nd time, they will be removed from participation in the All-State Chorus, will be turned over to the director as an “Auditing Singer,” and the school will be given a level 1 violation.
- Teachers are responsible for the conduct and behavior of their students throughout the entire All-State Chorus Weekend.
- Any dismissed student may cause his/her school to be suspended from participation for one year. An explanatory letter will be sent to the student’s parents, choral director, school principal and district administration.
- Members of the All-State Chorus will adhere to the following concert dress. All attire will be checked for compliance prior to the concert. Students not in compliance with the dress code WILL BE PROHIBITED FROM SINGING IN THE CONCERT and will put the school in jeopardy of suspension from All-State Chorus participation for one year. If you are unsure that your uniform is compliant, contact the All-State Chorus Weekend Coordinator.
- Concert Attire: Tuxedo consisting of a white or black button down shirt, black tie, black tuxedo pants, black tuxedo jacket, black socks, black dress shoes. Tails and a WHITE or BLACK vest/tie/cummerbund are acceptable. Students may also wear a black sports coat with black slacks accompanied by a white dress shirt and solid black tie with black socks and black dress shoes. Alternatively, a black ankle-length concert dress or an ankle length black skirt with a black top of similar or complementary fabric. (No cocktail or formal [prom] dresses allowed, no denim, no show choir dresses); medium- to low-heeled black shoes no more than 2 inches in height. No spaghetti straps on blouses or dresses allowed. No bare midriffs, no bare backs. Necklines should be modest and appropriate for a concert. No slits in dresses or skirts above the bottom of the knee cap. Students may also wear black dress slacks with a black dressy blouse, black pantsuit/skirt suit (skirt must be ankle length) with medium-to low-heeled black shoes no more than 2 inches in height.
- The All-State Chorus will present a public concert at Winthrop University on March 2nd, 2024, at 3:00 p.m. Only participants will be allowed to attend any activities of the All-State Chorus Weekend. No one other than All-State Chorus members, official chaperones, and teachers may be present at hotels, rehearsals or facilities connected with the All-State Chorus events. No children, even those whose parents are choral directors, will be allowed at any All-State Chorus rehearsal. All chaperones must be at least 21 years of age – preferably older. All SCMEA members are welcome to attend any part of the All-State Chorus weekend even if that member does not have students participating in these events.
- All incidents or exceptions pertaining to the All-State Chorus rules and regulations will be subject to review by the All-State Chorus Committee and could result in consequences to the school and/or student(s) involved. Requests for exceptions due to extenuating circumstances must be submitted in writing to the All-State Chorus Committee Chairperson two weeks prior to the All-State Chorus Weekend.
- Students will be dismissed from All-State Chorus participation on the following grounds:
Group A (Term 2021-2025)
Craig Coelho, Christopher Leysath, Alex Jones, and Rachel Premo
Group B (Term 2022-2026)
Lizzi Elliott, Amanda Wrona, Emily Reeves Bohl, and Ashlee Poole
Group C (Term 2023-2027)
Sarah Wahl, Melissa Henderson, NeTorrian Patton, and Jacelyn Spearman